воскресенье, 5 августа 2012 г.

лазерная терапия глаз ретиналамин

Медикаментозная терапия компенсированной первичной открытоугольной глаукомы (ПОУГ) после трабекулопластики

- Независимое издание для практикующих врачей

Мазунин И.Ю., Кичатая С.А.

Medical treatment of compensated POAG

GOU VPO NIZHGMA of Ministry of Health and social development of Russia

Purpose: Evaluation of neuroprotective activity of Retinalamin in early stage of compensated POAG after supraliminal micropulse infared laser trabeculoplasty with wide spot.

Materials and methods: SLT was performed by IQ 810 IRIDEX ophthalmic laser. In postoperative period all patients were prescribed Retinalamin by 3 courses during a year in retrobulbar injections. Also OCT was carried out before treatment and in 12 months after it.

Results: 10 patients (20 eyes) with early POAG were included into the study. In 1 months after surgery IOP level was 16,6 1,9 mm Hg without additional drugs usage and didn t increase 21 mm Hg during next 12 months.

Conclusion: Retinalamin usage is reasonable in postoperative period by 3 courses of 10 injections each. It may contribute both to stabilization of glaucomatous neuropathy and improvement of tomographical indices in patients with early glaucoma after trabeculoplasty.


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